Friday, February 22, 2008

Back in the UK!

My journey home went incredibly smoothly, in complete contrast to the outward leg. At least, it was smooth right up to the last half hour or so of our descent through the cloud layer into Glasgow. I enjoyed the bumpy ride although I'm not sure that many of my fellow passengers shared my sentiments! Grey, wet and windy... anything else just wouldn't have felt like arriving in Glasgow. Despite disapproval from the more sensible souls around me I'm heading off in a few minutes to chat to a man about a postdoc. (Yes, my paid for gallivanting is now at an end and in order to fund future escapades I really am going to have to get a job!) Hence the reason for blogging right now - I'm studiously avoiding reading any guides on how to succeed at interview. I suspect that getting a good night's sleep the night before is fairly high on the priority list. How many hours ago did I last sleep? I really have no idea! Hopefully I'll be updating, uploading and finally signing off from this blog in the next few days. Thank you Winston Churchill for a marvelous adventure... ... applications close at the end of October, so you've got lots of time to dream up a project!

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